himalayan coarse graded pink salt

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt You Never Knew

Pink Himalayan Salt is one of the purest forms of salt available, mined from the Khewra mine in the Punjab region of Pakistan. It is approximately 85% Sodium Chloride while the rest, 15%, consists of various minerals and nutrient contents for which Pink Himalayan Salt is famous. Research has shown that this salt consists of 84 different minerals essential for the smooth functioning of the human body.

Pink Himalayan Salt gets its pink colour from its rich Iron content. It also consists of Magnesium, Aluminium, Phosphorous, Calcium, Zinc, and so on. This salt offers a wide range of health benefits.

Although there has been some conflict between researchers regarding the exact mineral content in this salt, we can say that this salt is health-enriching. Since sodium chloride is higher, medical experts recommend using it in a calculated amount, meaning that too much consumption of this salt can also cause some health issues.

Another advantage of Pink Himalayan Salt over Table salt is that it is pure and, to some extent, pollution-free. It is not extracted from seashores whose waters are mixed with toxins, chemicals and pollutants these days. It is purer and cleaner than Table salt available on the market.

Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

These are the common benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt:

1. Improves Digestion

Daily consumption of a Pink Himalayan Sole stimulates the peristalsis of digestive organs, balances stomach acids, supports digestive fluids in the liver and pancreas, and regulates metabolism.

2. Better Bone Strength and Minimizes Muscle Cramp

The Calcium content in Pink Himalayan Salt helps bone strength, while other mineral contents help minimise muscle cramps. It also helps in better muscle and bone relationships.

3. Balances pH levels and Acidity Levels

This salt’s rich mineral content helps maintain a good pH level in our body. For this, consuming Pink Himalayan Sole works best. This is responsible for our body’s immunity and absorption of nutrients during digestion.

4. Better Sleeping Habits

Various types of research have shown that low Sodium diets (500 milligrams in a day) result in less uncomfortable sleep than those on sufficient or normal Sodium diets (2000 milligrams). People with low Sodium diets also tend to get up more often at night from their sleep and are often unable to sleep in time.

Hence, the consumption of sufficient salt is essential for sound sleep. Rest and Sleep directly impacts a person’s daily hygiene and other health aspects. The rich content of Sodium in Pink Himalayan Salt helps in this cause.

5. Use as a Bath Salt

This salt can also be used as a bathing salt. Using this salt as a bath helps relieve stress and soothes the mind and the body enabling better physical and mental health.

Salts have antibacterial and antiseptic properties, making them a useful therapy for eczema, acne and psoriasis. They also help in deep cleansing the skin and minimising aches and pains.

People all over the world use this salt in various ways and methods. It has great taste and offers a wide range of health benefits. It is quite a popular salt in Australia for its versatility and usage in many recipes. You can buy it online in Australia from Baker and Baker Salts.

Pink Himalayan Salt Sole Recipe

This is arguably the best way to consume this salt to achieve maximum health benefits. A Sole is a water fully saturated with unrefined salt in it. When the salt dissolves in water, it results in a concentrated, electrically charged matrix of the 84 trace minerals. The ionic salt and trace minerals nourish and strengthen the human body.

Here is a Sole recipe that helps consume Pink Himalayan Salt sufficiently.


  • Pink Himalayan Salt
  • Water


  • Fill a glass water jar about 1/4 with Himalayan pink salt (coarse or fine).
  • Fill the rest of the jar with water.
  • Cover with a plastic lid, and avoid using a meta lid.
  • Let it sit overnight, away from too much heat.
  • Ensure the water is fully saturated; i.e., there is always some undissolved salt remaining in the jar. And, if needed, add more salt.


  • NEVER USE METAL UTENSILS to use the Pink Himalayan Salt Sole.
  • Drink one teaspoon daily for better health.
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