Selecting Grinders
As a gourmet salt business we use a lot of grinders, as well as tubs, boxes and bags. So we like to think we know a little on the subject.
While there are exceptions, the grinder mechanism (the part that does the grinding) is either plastic, steel or ceramic. This mechanism is essentially what you are buying. The “other” part holds the product.
The plastic mechanism is found in disposable grinders. A lower cost grinder found in supermarkets that will be used a few times before being disposed of. In the long run disposable grinders cost more but if the intention is a gift it is an economical purchase.
Ceramic grinders are longer life. A ceramic grinder can last for years – it can be the spring inside the grinder that goes first! Ceramic is a durable material. You will easily get years out of the mechanism. For those with families and children its usually the glass bottle holding the salt that gets dropped on the kitchen tiles and smashed that causes you to buy a new one.
Steel grinders, often found inside wooden pepper mills are good compromises. Can be dropped (within reason), long lasting and economical. Pepper mills can be used for salt as well as pepper.
Battery operated stainless steel grinders are fancy looking grinders that offer a modern take on a contemporary item. Careful not to drop in water. What you gain in ergonomic design and gadget factor will cost in battery and permanent redundancy at some stage in the future. Not designed to last forever. sells wholesale and individual grinders however we recommend if you need less than 3 to check out your local stores as postage can add to costs.